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Single Classes


Experience Each Class at Your Leisure!

All classes are integrated with fun experiential learning, creativity, puppets, downloads and workbooks.

Enjoy learning and exploring new experiences in all types of interests, ideas and creations. 

We encourage students to find the best fit for their individuality, go at your own pace - start, stop, rewind and repeat!

Choose one at a time, or take a few classes! If you find yourself with the desire to complete all the classes, check out our membership and get full access to all classes and our library of PDF downloads, craft projects and more!

LIL Skool has a foundation of self love support with a motivation to support  creative, social emotional and experience learning for each individuals passion or dream.

Mastering Emotions

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Chakras have the codes to true joy!

Understand our Chakra System, your energy body, and create emotional stability, self care and a balanced lifestyle.

Daily Support Tools

Happy Mother's Day

Simple short classes for tools around mindfulness, self love and affirmations that will have your days running easier.

Creativity, Art & Play

Kids Painting

Get creative with painting, crafting and playful tools and games!

Lesson's from the Hall Closet

Mother and Child

Fun & Easy tips for folding & organizing laundry and cleaning chores with interactive

games and crafts!

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