About Us
Todays children are being born with a higher awareness of senses, self and spirit. They are naturally spiritual and have a heightened sensory system without being guided. Allowing our children today to understand and use their natural intuitive abilities, to showcase knowledge from past and universal wisdom. Many of these children are labeled with being extra sensitive, ADHD, Asperger’s and Autism. Most of these children show up with challenging behaviors, however it is their learning and personality capabilities that set them apart from other kids. Children today require alternative learning environments to adapt to their ever evolving potential. Our goal to create learning spaces where all youth have equal opportunities to learn in a loving & supportive environment that caters to their individual needs.
The environment in traditional learning spaces can be challenging for children in today’s new world.
Curriculum-based structure is becoming more and more challenging for the current generation.
Children of our current world are spirited, gifted and dynamic.
They require more substance, fluidity and learning
Environments that cater to their individuality & uniqueness, rather than one structured system for all.
With all the educational setbacks and unfortunate trauma that millions of children all over the world have endured, especially, from the past few years and continuing with current turn of events, we find ourselves in a unique and fortunate situation. We have the opportunity to re-evaluate the system in which our children learn and create new pathways to initiate the movement of positive transformation for this generation of youth and many more to come.
Learn In Love Skool goal is to hold a commitment to youth that will promote emotional intelligence, spiritual well being, interpersonal skills, creative movement abilities and community mindset to reassert a sense of hope in the hearts of all. Our movement is to provide an alternative integrated space for families and youth to thrive by first catering to their mental, emotional and physical well-being as individuals and family. It is our philosophy that play & love are catalysts to healing emotional, physical & spiritual trauma. The past few years have been extra tough for our youth, they have suffered confusion, loss, isolation, fear, anxiety and a lack of stability, in all areas of their life, in the home and in their educational environments. As a result, many children have fallen behind in academic, social development and emotional stability. At LIL Skool, we strive to aid in the healing process through creating play, love & support as an alternative learning space.
We believe children should be free to learn in an environment with experience at the heart of imagination, creativity and passion.
We provide a unique approach to holistic learning for ages PreK-12th and parents. We strive to inspire children to tap into their innate gifts by providing classes that foster spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth. We believe children are the future, and we must invest in their development at a young age, and cater to their individual learning styles, interests and stages of development. We do not believe that one style of learning is suitable for all children. The one size fits all educational approach creates unhealthy dynamics, which can be the root cause of depression, anxiety and lack of self- confidence. The classes are structured upon foundational life skills that will adequately prepare them for different stages of their life. There are no grade levels, allowing youth to learn together with similar learning styles, maturation and interests. Placing youth of varying ages together allows older children to inspire and guide the younger children, and in turn encourage children of different stages of development to collaborate and work together.
Students at LIL Skool are free to learn at their own pace. They are able to go through the classes at their own pace and order for their individual needs. They are introduced to Experiential Intuitive learning through classes on self love, mindfulness, chakra energy body, collaboration, art, creativity, gardening, science, laundry & chores through avenues of relatability, creativity & play. Children become inspired when they can relate to what they are learning, so we cultivate an environment of play and inspiration, where our youth & families look forward to learning and growing.
Our Mission is to ignite youth in passion, purpose and truth through the power of self-love, creativity and play, in an environment where youth are the priority and intuitive based learning is a basic. All youth learn valuable life skills that will prepare them for their future. They will learn from guides that are passionate about our youth and families, allowing them to learn through play, self-expression, independence, creativity, collaboration, respect and emotional intelligence. Youth are free to work with their guides on how they want to learn and what works for them. We understand that our youth today are unique and should be honored and celebrated for their individualities. We continually strive to support our students on an individual basis, we do not use labels in our spaces such as ADHD, Autism, judgments of others or hierarchies. We consistently provide resources of integrative and spiritual support through our Famili of loving Guides.
Our Vision is to give every youth a chance to be their best selves for a brighter future on Earth.
Meet the Creator
Our Philosophy
-The World Is A Playground -
At LIL Skool, we understand that each of our students is a special individual seed to the world. We believe that learning comes from the heart, passion, and uniqueness fostered from within. Our unique approach provides students with the support and self-love they will need to lead a balanced successful life journey.
Learn In L.O.V.E.
To learn In Love is to fully embrace the body, surroundings and the higher self to hold the ability to follow through with your individual life mission with love in your heart.
To LIVE is to be fully in yourself. Understanding the human energetic system, the earth's effects and origins, astrology and basic survival.
To OBSERVE is the ability to listen, retain, relate, accept and create compassion for self, others, surroundings and situations.
VISUALIZE, journal and practice what your heart and soul align most with for the highest good of all.
To EXECUTE is to bring into reality your mission from a place of self and life understanding.
Why is LIL Skool so important?
Statistics of people ages 18 - 65, in the world right now of people diagnosed with a mental disorder or anxiety disorder is an average of 50% and rising!
1 in 5 children have anxiety, depression or some kind of mental disorder.
Day to day education and home environments are not designed to support these statistics.
Parents are tired and overworked.
The statistics are rising every minute, especially in the world the way it is.
Invest in your child’s development now with LIL Skool!
We make it easy for you to help other’s enroll in LIL Skool
Our non-profit 501c3 benefit program with WeAreOneFoundation.org gives us the ability to provide scholarships to those who need it most!