Thu, May 12
Mother Tree's: Flower Full Moon Ritual
This moon asks us to be vulnerable so we can become more intimate with ourselves and others.
Time & Location
May 12, 2022, 8:00 PM – 8:30 PM CDT
About the event
Flower Full Moon: 16 May 2022 Will be in Sagittarius. "This moon asks us to be vulnerable so we can become more intimate with ourselves and others."
The flower moon will definitely be intense. This moon asks us to be vulnerable so we can become more intimate with ourselves and others. This is a time to give up what doesn't serve you. This moon is an opportunity to make your way to the other side and continue to expand and evolve.
The name of this moon is fitting, because every flower starts out as a seed, buried in the dark, damp soil. Nature knows that darkness has its purpose and will lead you to the light.
Full Moon Ritual Power WordsWhat you will need:
- A mantra or affirmation of your creation (We Will Create)
- A candle
- A lighter
- Access to outdoors
Tonight we will:
- Share our own personal experiences & create affirmations
- Open space for sharing
- Moon Ritual
- Close
NOTE: Mother Trees is a space to feel safe and support topics our moms and queens are desiring. This is a short space to be mindful of our busy times. So if you can only pop in for a few minutes or have your kids screaming in the back! That's OK! This is real life! Andddd if need be we have mute! We love that you are here for YOU!
Monday May 16, 2022 @8pm CST
(Zoom Link at bottom of the page)
To watch recorded Mother Tree events, connect with the group and get updates join our Facebook group @
I am the roots that connect the web of life.
I create the connection of love to all as we are one.
I am unity for today’s world.
I am.
This is the soil and stone that supports, nourishes and connects the love of our deepest dreams. Dig in. Feel your roots with the support of Gaia’s Mother Tree’s uniting for the greater good of all. We are all our special seed to the collective, not one seed in the same. We support each other as our roots get stronger and our leaves get bigger.
Together we seed.
Together we walk.
Together we love.
Together we flower.
Looking forward to connecting our magic!
Always LoveLight&Magic!
Zoom Link
Topic: Mother Tree's
Time: Monday May 16, 2022 @
6pm PST
8pm CST
9pm EST
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