What's A Chakra?
A basic understanding of the Chakra system
and how it affects the body.
1Hour 8Min Video Content
9 Downloads from Library
What's A Chakra Introduction
What's A Chakra Introduction

Chakra Kidz Introduction Video
Introduction Video

What's A Chakra
Main Class
19 Videos
Teaching Videos 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17
Tool Box Exercises, Videos 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18
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1Hour 8Min Video Content
9 Downloads from Library

What's A Chakra?
What's A Chakra?

What is a Chakra? Intro

Root Chakra Intro 2

Root Chakra Intro Tool
'What is a Chakra?'
Section 1
Video 1
Hi! Welcome to 'What is a Chakra?'
We are ignited to have you in class and hope you are able to learn, create tools for self-love and most of all have fun.
Thank you for all the love you give yourself.
Looking forward to seeing you in class.
Erin Nicole, Millie, and Green Monster
Section 2
Video 2 & 3
Root Chakra
2nd Video
Understand the basic functions of the Root Chakra and have a tool to support balancing.
This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Root Chakra, how it affects us as humans and take home tools to create a closer connection.
We will explore
What is the Root Chakra.
Why is the Root Chakra important.
What it means when the Root Chakra is balanced, depleted or overactive.
Take home a tool, to use at home to support having a strong and balanced Root Chakra.
Most of all we will have fun, play and create experiences for a better every day awareness of our energy, emotions and feelings.
Root Chakra Balancing Tool
3rd Video
Connect to the Root Chakra in meditation.
Find a comfortable place and allow a few minutes to sit and follow along.
Reflection Assignment
Reflect on your experience, how did you feel before and after?
Did you see any colors or images? Notice smells?
Did you feel any sensations in your tailbone area or feet?
Write a short journal about what you experienced and keep track of your personal and internal developments!
Section 3
Sacral Chakra
Video 4 & 5
Have a basic understanding of our Sacral Chakra, how it functions and a tools to support balancing.
This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Sacral Chakra, how it affects us as humans and take home tools to create a closer connection.
We will explore
What is the Sacral Chakra.
Why is the Sacral Chakra important?
What it means when the Sacral Chakra is balanced, depleted or overactive.
Take home a tool, to use at home to support having a strong and balanced Sacral Chakra.
Most of all we will have fun, play and create experiences for a better every day awareness of our energy, emotions and feelings.
Sacral Chakra Balancing Tool
5th Video
Assignment Instructions
Taking time to connect to our creative nature is a way to find balance in the 2nd Chakra wheel. Carve out time to create something or find joy.
Paint or Draw
Write a journal about your experience.
What did you choose for your experience?
How did you feel before your experience? After?
Section 4
Solar Plexus Chakra
Video 6 & 7
This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Sacral Chakra, how it affects us as humans and take home tools to create a closer connection.
This class is to support a more balanced lifestyle with a start to creating personal tools to less stress, anxiety and an overall more calm, clear and happy life.
We will explore
What is the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Why is the Solar Plexus Chakra important?
What it means when the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, depleted or overactive.
Take home a tool, to use at home to support having a strong and balanced Solar Plexus Chakra.
Most of all we will have fun, play and create experiences for a better every day awareness of our energy, emotions and feelings.
Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing Tool
7th Video
Support ways to help you feel powerful! Wear the color yellow! Ask questions to dig into yourself and find out where you are? Say uplifting affirmations and messages to support a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra.
Do I feel confident in the skills I have to bring my dreams to life?
What does strength or power look like or mean to me?
Do I feel like I I am moving forward in the right direction?
How clear do I feel?
How connected do I feel to my own wisdom and power?
Section 5
Heart Chakra
8th & 9th Video
This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Heart Chakra, how it affects us as humans and take home tools to create a closer connection.
We will explore
What is the Heart Chakra.
Why is the Heart Chakra important?
What it means when the Heart Chakra is balanced, depleted or overactive.
Take home a tool, to use at home to support having a strong and balanced Heart Chakra.
Most of all we will have fun, play and create experiences for a better every day awareness of our energy, emotions and feelings.
Heart Chakra Balancing Tool
9th Video
Chakras are energy centers and support our feelings, emotions and true self. The best way to learn about each Chakra is to experience what it feels like. To support the Heart Chakra, doing things we love or creating compassion will show balance.
Assignment Instructions
Chakras are energy centers and support our feelings, emotions and true self. The best way to learn about each Chakra is to experience what it feels like. To support the Heart Chakra, doing things we love or creating compassion will show balance.
Choose something you LOVE to do.
Create, Go for a hike
Pay for a coffee for someone
Help a homeless person
Volunteer for a non profit to give back
Do this thing for at least 30 minutes to an hour!
Write a journal about how you felt after as compared to how you felt before!
Write a journal on your experience
What did you notice around you?
Did you hear anything?
What was the temperature? Weather?
How did you feel before you went into nature? After?
Questions to ask yourself?
What did you notice around you?
Did you hear anything?
What was the temperature? Weather?
How did you feel before you went into nature? After?
Section 6
Throat Chakra
10th & 11th Video
This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Throat Chakra, how it affects us as humans and take home tools to create a closer connection.
We will explore
What is the Throat Chakra.
Why is the Throat Chakra important?
What it means when the Throat Chakra is balanced, depleted or overactive.
Take home a tool, to use at home to support having a strong and balanced Throat Chakra.
Most of all we will have fun, play and create experiences for a better every day awareness of our energy, emotions and feelings.
Throat Chakra Balancing Tool
11th Video
It is important to use your voice, speak authentically with truth and from your heart, to support a balanced Throat Chakra. Take some time to sing your favorite song, use your vocal cords or communicate with someone.
Assignment Instructions
Write a journal on your experience
What did you notice about you?
How did you feel before and after?
Explain your experience?
Are there any changes in yourself that you notice?
Section 7
Third Eye Chakra
12th & 13th Video
This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Third Eye Chakra, how it affects us as humans and take home tools to create a closer connection.
We will explore
What is the Third Eye Chakra.
Why is the Third Eye Chakra important?
What it means when the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, depleted or overactive.
Take home a tool, to use at home to support having a strong and balanced Third Eye Chakra.
Most of all we will have fun, play and create experiences for a better every day awareness of our energy, emotions and feelings.
Third Eye Chakra Balancing Tool
13th Video
Third Eye visualization.
Take 10 minutes to find a quit and comfortable spot to follow along with the video. Try to close your eye the entire time, listen to the words and follow along.
Assignment Instructions
Third Eye visualization. Take 10 minutes to find a quit and comfortable spot to follow along with the video. Try to close your eye the entire time, listen to the words and follow along.
Journal about your experiences and see what you notice or what shows up in your life. Take notice to coincidences, deja vu and dreams of truth.
Section 8
Crown Chakra
14th & 15th Video
This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Crown Chakra, How it works and how it affects us as humans.
This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Crown Chakra, how it affects us as humans and take home tools to create a closer connection.
We will explore
What is the Crown Chakra.
Why is the Crown Chakra important?
What it means when the Crown Chakra is balanced, depleted or overactive.
Take home a tool, to use at home to support having a strong and balanced Crown Chakra.
Most of all we will have fun, play and create experiences for a better every day awareness of our energy, emotions and feelings.
Crown Chakra Balancing Tool
15th Video
Keep a journal to write down your dreams and imaginations. They can provide us information to guide and support us when we are awake or in certain situations.
Assignment Instructions
Keep a journal to write down your dreams and imaginations. They can provide us information to guide and support us when we are awake or in certain situations.
Journal Questions
Explain your experience.
What did you see in your dream or imagination?
Has anything interesting come up or something you notice?
Are there any changes in yourself that you notice?
Section 9
How do I better balance my Chakras?
16th & 17th Video
Find out how to create a better understanding of the Chakras and the best way to stay healthy in our energy body system.
Take a few minutes and tune into each Chakra one at a time. Write in the reflection journal your experience in each Chakra wheel.
Assignment Instructions
Take a few minutes and tune into each Chakra one at a time. Write in the reflection journal your experience in each Chakra wheel.
What did I experience when I tuned into my Root Chakra?
What did I experience when I tuned into my Sacral Chakra?
What did I experience when I tuned into my Solar Plexus Chakra?
What did I experience when I tuned into my Heart Chakra?
What did I experience when I tuned into my Throat Chakra?
What did I experience when I tuned into my Third Eye Chakra?
What did I experience when I tuned into my Crown Chakra?
Let's Quiz Ourselves!
17th Video
Chakras: How much did I learn?
The quiz is to see how much you learned and understood to support your balanced Chakra system.
Section 10
18th Video
Thank you for playing!
Millie, Green Monster and I have had so much fun with you learning about the Chakras and look forward to more fun as we look forward to continuing this journey into the world of Chakras, private groups, monthly meetups, workbooks and more classes at LILSkool.com!
See you soon!
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